Ready To Go
ReadyToGo is an extension of the Personal Cultural Profiler. This tool compares a Personal Cultural Profile with the cultural profile of a chosen country (a Country Culture Profile, CCP) and highlights similarities and differences. The disparity indicates what to expect and where opportunities and challenges may lie. The resulting report plots the PCP against a CCP in the underlying Model of Freedom to help ease of comparison.
The Ready to Go is thus a three-step-tool. The first step is to fill out a Personal Culture Profile. The second is to choose a country to compare the PCP with, resulting in the Ready to Go report, comparing one’s personal profile with that particular country. Finally, a full Country Culture Profile of the chosen country of comparison is offered. Clients can compare their Personal Cultural Profile with a maximum of five Country Cultures of their choice.
The RTG report – comparing a personal with a country profile – is available in English only.
The Personal Cultural Profiler is available to clients in English, Danish, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Russian and Japanese. The generated report is available in English only.
All Country Culture Profiles are available in English only.